We help people return to well-being
- both professionally and personally

My finances are tight

We are struggling in our relationship

I sleep poorly

I'm stressed at work

My child is struggling
We offer employees in companies quick and professional help for better health and well-being. Through targeted well-being programs, we are the lifeline when the first signs of stress or poor well-being appear, whether related to work, personal, or family challenges.
Employees are supported before they need to take sick leave, and the company keeps its workforce intact. The result directly impacts the bottom line – both financially and humanly.
BLUME Support also offers leadership development for companies through workshops, seminars, and personalized development programs.
Jeg giver hermed samtykke til, at BLUME må kontakte mig i forbindelse med min henvendelse.
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Retsgrundlaget for behandlingen af disse og andre almindelige personoplysninger, du har givet os i din henvendelse, er samtykke, jf. persondataforordningens artikel 6, stk. 1, litra a.
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